Regular Scheduled Service Call and Installation Rates for South Surrey/White Rock*:
* South Surrey/White Rock is defined as North to South from Hwy #10 to 0 Avenue, East to West from 176th to Ocean Park Road.
Journeyman Electrician Standard Residential Rate:
$270 per site visit (up to 2 hours)
$135 per subsequent hour (or portion thereof)
Journeyman Electrician Standard Commercial Rate:
$435 per site visit (up to 3 hours)
$135 per subsequent hour (or portion thereof)
Scheduled Service Call and Installation Rates for OUTSIDE South Surrey/White Rock*:
Journeyman Electrician Standard Residential Rate:
$450 per site visit (up to 3 hours)
$150 per subsequent hour (or portion thereof)
Journeyman Electrician Standard Commercial Rate:
$450 per site visit (up to 3 hours)
$150 per subsequent hour (or portion thereof)
No hidden costs!
These rates include all truck, travel and call-out fees. Parts, permits, or specialized equipment fees are not included.
For larger projects that require a quote, please call the office at 604-538-2373. Please note that we are only able to provide free quotes for projects that have a defined scope of work and are over $1,000 in value. Any troubleshooting/problem solving for electrical issues, will be billed at the above noted rates.
Energy Management Consulting Rates
Certified Energy Manager
$300 per hour​
Certified Measurement and Verification Professional
$350 per hour