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Regular Scheduled Service Call and Installation Rates for South Surrey/White Rock*:

* South Surrey/White Rock is defined as North to South from Hwy #10 to 0 Avenue, East to West from 176th to Ocean Park Road.  


Journeyman Electrician Standard Residential Rate:

  • $270 per site visit (up to 2 hours)

  • $135 per subsequent hour (or portion thereof)


Journeyman Electrician Standard Commercial Rate:       

  • $435 per site visit (up to 3 hours)

  • $135 per subsequent hour (or portion thereof)



Scheduled Service Call and Installation Rates for OUTSIDE South Surrey/White Rock*:


Journeyman Electrician Standard Residential Rate:

  • $450 per site visit (up to 3 hours)

  • $150 per subsequent hour (or portion thereof)


Journeyman Electrician Standard Commercial Rate:       

  • $450 per site visit (up to 3 hours)

  • $150 per subsequent hour (or portion thereof)



No hidden costs!

These rates include all truck, travel and call-out fees. Parts, permits, or specialized equipment fees are not included. 


For larger projects that require a quote, please call the office at 604-538-2373.  Please note that we are only able to provide free quotes for projects that have a defined scope of work and are over $1,000 in value.  Any troubleshooting/problem solving for electrical issues, will be billed at the above noted rates.



Energy Management Consulting Rates

Certified Energy Manager

  • $300 per hour​

Certified Measurement and Verification Professional

  • $350 per hour


Our polite, uniformed electricians, will treat your home as it were their own. 

Our electricians have all had background checks completed.  We also adhere to the highest standards of electrical safety, and pride ourselves on our untarnished Worksafe BC record.

If we say we are coming, we will be there. Our in-depth attention to detail will ensure we get things right the first time.  

We live and only work locally within the community, meaning that we are available when you are to look at jobs, or complete projects.

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